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Šeit ir kāds lielisks tests, kas visai precīzi nosaka kādai GP personībai jūs visvairāk līdzinaties... Tests ir angļu valodā, tomēr es ceru, ka tas netraucēs...

Spiediet te !!!

Man sanāca, ka esmu Boromirs

You are most like
Boromir, Heir of Denethor, Captain of the White Tower

Boromir goes to Rivendall after convincing his father, and tries to persuade the Walkers to follow him to Minas Tirith. He is constantly searching Frodo's face for non-verbal information.
You are good at winning others' confidence and not shy at telling others what to do. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have good observational skills. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

Like Boromir, you are not content to sit on the sidelines while the action takes place around you.

Traits: Open minded, easy going, persuassive, optimistic about the future. On the dark side you could be exploitative and an opportunist.
Prasa nedaudz laika un daudz domāšanas - bet šāds jau nu noteikti vēl nav bijis.

Iesaku, ne vien publicēt savus rezultātus, bet tos arī nedaudz pakomentēt, vai nu attiecībā uz sevi, vai (vēlamāk) saistībā ar grāmatas tēliem -

Meriadoc (Merry) Brandybuck

See Merry's leadership role in the Battle of Bywater (1419).

You are probably not shy in stepping forward and taking charge. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

Tā, kur tad Merijs saplāno visu savu dzīvi vai cenšas visu iesākto pabeigt pirms došanās atpūsties? Jāsaka gan, ka atšķirībā no pārējiem 3 brālības Hobitiem, Merijs atmiņā ir palicis vismazāk - ja atskaita viņa varonīgo uzbrukumu galvenajam Nazgilam, kas pēc tam ļāva Eovinai viņu sakaut... Nekādas īpašas Meriju raksturojošas pazīmes tiešām prātā nav palikušas.

Attiecībā uz mani - nu nez, aizraušanās ar plānošanu katrā ziņā ir ļoti tālu no mani raksturojošām īpašībām, bet pārējais... varētu jau tā arī būt.

Bet attiecībā uz Boromira raksturojumu - te nav uzsvērts tas, kas grāmatās šķita viena no Boromiru visraksturojošākajām pazīmēm - spēcīga atbildības sajūta par apkārtējiem un tiem, kas kaut kādā ziņā ir no viņa atkarīgajiem - gan rūpes par Gondoriešiem (labi, gredzens šo vēlmi izkropļoja - bet galu galā, ne tas šeit ir būtiskākais - Boromiram acīmredzot šķita, ka kaut kas tik svarīgs, kā savas tautas aizsargāšana nevar būt ļaunuma radīta izjūta) , gan, kaut vai visu ceļu pieskatot Hobitus, kad tie nevarēja tikt līdz nākotnes mērķu pārņemtajiem Aragornam un Gendalfam. (Aragorns varbūt ārstēja slimos, bet paļāvās uz to, ka katrs sevi varēs aizstāvēt pats) Tā kā dēvēt Boromiru par "remote or even heartless" ir vairāk nekā pārsteidzīgi, man atmiņā šis tēls palicis kā pilnīgi pretējs.
You are most like
The Dwarves

As the halls of Moria show, Dwarves like building and inventing.
The world exists to be explained and analyzed. You prefer to work quietly without interruption. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

Moderatora piebilde: Visi turpmākie raksti, kas saturēs tikai testa rezultātus un neko vairāk, tiks dzēsti. Varat nepūlēties
Nimue - izpildu tavu lūgumu un komentēju savus rezultātus... grin.gif

Rezultāts Boromirs mani nebūt nepārsteidza, jo uzskatu, ka patiesi esmu visslīdzīgākais viņam... Manuprāt, šeit nav pieminēta vēl kāda Boromiram tik raksturīga īpašība - viņš ir ĻOTI ambiciozs... tāpat kā es. Arī visas pārējās šeit uzkaitītās Boromira īpašības vairāk vai mazāk (pārsvarā vairāk) man piemīt...

Runājot par to "remote or even heartless"... nu nezinu... Lieta tāda, ka Boromirs bija visai impulsīvs cilvēks un bieži vien pārsteidzīgs, tādēļ reizumis arī šādas īpašības varēja parādīties šajā personāžā - tomēr, manuprāt, visai retos gadījumos...
wink.gif me domaat ka es pilniigi atbilstu boromiram.ja wien winjsh buutu ir taku ok!wairaak kaa ok!;)
CITĀTS(Nulukkizdin @ 20.06.2004 15:58)
Nimue - izpildu tavu lūgumu un komentēju savus rezultātus... grin.gif

Rezultāts Boromirs mani nebūt nepārsteidza, jo uzskatu, ka patiesi esmu visslīdzīgākais viņam...  Manuprāt, šeit nav pieminēta vēl kāda Boromiram tik raksturīga īpašība - viņš ir ĻOTI ambiciozs... tāpat kā es. Arī visas pārējās šeit uzkaitītās Boromira īpašības vairāk vai mazāk (pārsvarā vairāk) man piemīt...

Runājot par to "remote or even heartless"... nu nezinu... Lieta tāda, ka Boromirs bija visai impulsīvs cilvēks un bieži vien pārsteidzīgs, tādēļ reizumis arī šādas īpašības varēja parādīties šajā personāžā - tomēr, manuprāt, visai retos gadījumos...

Lielais paldies smile.gif

Vispār jau exploitive opportunist bez ambīcijām ir grūti iedomājams.... Ja tests šķiet labs, tad atbildes gan tādas - pagaidām visnotaļ vienveidīgas. Tur jau arī tā lieta - pat ja kādreiz dēļ impulsīvas rīcības no kāda viedokļa Boromira rīcība var šķist neiejūtīga un bezsīrdīga, tad pat tam impulsam ir kāds ļoti cilvēcīgs un cildens (vismaz daļēji) cēlonis...

Nedomāju, ka Merijs būtu man pašai vislīdzīgākais (ehh, bet kurš tad ir? Nelabas aizdomas, ka vislīdzīgākais tieši rakstura īpašību ziņā varētu būt Sarumans) - bet tas tiešām saistīts ar to, ka atmiņā Merijs palicis tāds - nekāds.... Kāds vispār būtu Merija raksturojums no grāmatas?
You are most like
Boromir, Heir of Denethor, Captain of the White Tower

Boromir goes to Rivendall after convincing his father, and tries to persuade the Walkers to follow him to Minas Tirith. He is constantly searching Frodo's face for non-verbal information.
You are good at winning others' confidence and not shy at telling others what to do. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have good observational skills. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

Like Boromir, you are not content to sit on the sidelines while the action takes place around you.

Traits: Open minded, easy going, persuassive, optimistic about the future. On the dark side you could be exploitative and an opportunist

man taa kaa iipashi nepiestaaw Boromirs, bet nu, ja taa sanaaca varbuut kaut kur dzilji iekshienee!

You are most like Legolas !!!!!!

Es domāju ka tā arī ir!!!
Man ļoti patīk piedzīvojumi un atraktivitāte ir man raksturīga.

Tur ir rakstīts, ka Legolas ieraugot kalnu, noteikti tajā uzrāptos, ar mani ir tieši tāpat!!!!!! grin.gif

Vēl arī esmu optimiste par nākotni! Tieši tā!!!!!!!

Man ļoti patīk šis tests! rolleyes_a.gif
Galadriel, the Lady of Lorien

Like many elves, Galadriel has a rich inner life and a level of mystery. Although elves say both yes and know when sought for counsel, their insight is valuable. She has exceptional empathic abilities.

You are likely to be quiet, and gentle, enjoying helping other people grow and realize their potential. Others may view you as mystical. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

The Orcs display the evil side of this personality with their lengthy torture methods.

Traits: Empathic, benevolent, looking to the future. On the dark side you could be sadistic.

Šitādu gan es nebiju gaidījusi. huh.gif Bet pēdējais teikums noteikti ir patiess...
Faramir, Captain of Gondor

Thoroughly dependable, Faramir is loyal to his father. He keeps a watchful eye on the east border of Gondor.
You are earnest and attentive to details. You tend to trust authority and seek security. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have good observational skills. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As Sam says:"I have something to do before the end. I must see it through, sir, if you understand."

Traits: Dependable, beneficient, usually living in the past. On the dark side you could be a hoarder.

Re, kas es sanācu! Faramirs. Patiesībā daudz maz atbilst man. a nu vienīgi tā "visa pabeigšana pirms gulētiešanas", tā gan nav mana raksturīgākā iezīme! Varu izlemt: Pietiek! Un iet čučēt ar cerību, ka rīt viss liksies vieglāk atrisināms...

Patiesībā Tolkīna Faramirs ir viens no maniem absolūti mīļākajiem tēliem, un es ne reizi vien esmu pukojusies: "Stupid fat PJ! You ruins it!" (skairojums mazāk zinošajiem: citāts ņemts no Diviem Torņiem, kad Gollums pārdzīvo abu trusīšu 'sabojāšanu', tos sautējot, bet PJ in režisors Peter Jackson)
You are most like
Aragorn (Stryder) Son of Arathorn

Aragorn's decisions often seem against conventional wisdom, but he knows what to do and why it must be done, regardless of the cost.
You are good at making contingency plans and come up wiith efficient means to acheive clear-cut ends. You are highly independent, and continue on with your plans even in the face of data that might suggest to others that it's no longer feasible. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

oho Aragorns huh.gif... nu ko par valdnieci es klusu ta vai ta, pat pec tada cinjam ka vins silent.gif
Aragorn (Stryder) Son of Arathorn

Aragorn's decisions often seem against conventional wisdom, but he knows what to do and why it must be done, regardless of the cost. You are good at making contingency plans and come up wiith efficient means to acheive clear-cut ends. You are highly independent, and continue on with your plans even in the face of data that might suggest to others that it's no longer feasible. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

Testa rezultāts mani nepārsteidza, jo tādu atbildi esmu sagaidījusi arī vairākos citos, kaut mazāk "profesionālos", testos. Rezultāts tomēr mani ne īpaši apmierina, jo nevēlos sevi salīdzināt ar Aragornu - King of the West, Chieftain of the Dunedain, Envinyatar (Renewer), kā Gendalfs saka - the greatest traveller and huntsman in this age of the world. Man derētu kaut kas piezemētāks. Bet kas zin' - varbūt es pārāk nopietni uztveru grāmatu.
Manuprāt, pilnīgi pretēji Aragornam, es mēdzu ieākt vairākus darbus kopā un nepabeigt tos. Aragorns tā dara tikai ārkārtēju apstākļu spiests. Un kā jau raksturojumā minēts un kam es pilnīgi piekrītu, viņš vispirms pabeidz darbus, tad atpūšas.

Bet Merijs palicis atmiņā, kā viņš pats arī saka, ka nevajadzīga bagāža, kas jāstiepj līdzi, kā traucēklis. Taču tāds viņš ir tikai ceļojuma sākumposmā un arī tad viņš izskaistina grāmatu ar saviem dialogiem ar pārējiem un "hobitiskajām" piebildēm. Aragorns pirms došanās uz Paths of the Dead saka, ka Merijs nezina sava ceļa galamērķi, taču, ja zinātu, viņš tik un tā turpinātu to. Kaut vai draugu dēļ. Draugi un sabiedrība vispār Merijam ir ļoti svarīga. Vienatne un sēdēšana bezdarbībā viņam ir nepanesama. Būdams kopā ar rohāniešiem, hobits bieži nožēlo, ka kopā ar viņu nav Pipina. Un baiļu pārvarēšana un liktenīgā trieciena došana Nazgulam noteikti ir Merija varoņdarbs.
nu man sanaaca sitaaads te!!!:

You are most like
The Dwarves

As the halls of Moria show, Dwarves like building and inventing.
Curiosity is one of your strong points as it allows you to think of better ways to acheive goals. You may try to outwit the system of you get bored or annoyed with it. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.
You are most like
Tom Bombadil

Though not in the movie (unfortunately), Tom helps the hobbits cast off their concerns for a while. He radiates warmth and festivity.
You are expressive and good at improvisation. You have a contagious humor and joy of living. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have good observational skills. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

Like Boromir, you are not content to sit on the sidelines while the action takes place around you.

Traits: Open minded, easy going, persuassive, optimistic about the future. On the dark side you could be exploitative and an opportunist

pliiiz tag kaac iztulko priex me.... whistling.gif
You are most like
Aragorn (Stryder) Son of Arathorn

Aragorn's decisions often seem against conventional wisdom, but he knows what to do and why it must be done, regardless of the cost.
You are good at making contingency plans and come up wiith efficient means to acheive clear-cut ends. You are highly independent, and continue on with your plans even in the face of data that might suggest to others that it's no longer feasible. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

njā, laikam esmu diezgan godkārīgs. nekur citur gan nekad nebiju dabūjis aragornu.. odd... huh.gif
Fiki, labi ātri pierediģē savu komentāru pie testa atbildes, citādi izdzēsīs. wink.gif

Kad pienāca atbilde, es gandrīz nometu datoru:
You are most like
Denethor, Son of Ecthelion, Lord and Steward of Minas Tirith

People like you are rare. Unfortunately the closest person is Denethor. His obsession with knowing the future and suspicion of others is characteristic.
Everything that happens is important and you do not want to miss any of it. Others often look to you for courage, leadership, and wisdom. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have a tendency to introspection. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

The Orcs display the evil side of this personality with their lengthy torture methods.

Traits: Empathic, benevolent, looking to the future. On the dark side you could be sadistic.

Šito es VISmazāk biju gaidījusi.. Lai nu kas, bet Denetors.
Lasot tālāk gan atklājās, ka tur gandrīz vārds vārdā ir taisnība par mani, tikai nezinu par to piezīmi, ka tādi kā es ir retums huh.gif (vai tad tiešām tādu riebekļu pasaulē trūkst?)
Anyhow, susspicion with others is characteristic - visspilgtākā patiesība, gan par mani, gan, manuprāt par Denetoru, jo viņš ar aizdomām lūkojās pat uz Gendalfu un līdz ar to arī uz savu dēlu, kas "pinās" ar burvi.

Tas The more, the merrier, gan man šķiet mazliet nevietā, jo vienmēr Denetoru esmu uzskatījusi par vairāk intravertu personu.
Sometimes even "too emotional" - trāpīts 10niekā

On the dark side you could be sadistic - yep! That's me. Dažam labam tiešām ir nācies ciest whistling.gif

Laikam jāiet parakāties pa atvilknēm, vai nav kāds Palantīrs noslēpts. laughing.gif
You are most like
Gimli, Son of Gloin

Gimli engages in a friendly slaying competition with Legolas, showing his mastery of his instrument of choice, the axe.
You are good with tools and instruments. You are not shy at telling others what to do. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have good observational skills. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

Like Boromir, you are not content to sit on the sidelines while the action takes place around you.

Traits: Open minded, easy going, persuassive, optimistic about the future. On the dark side you could be exploitative and an opportunist.

WTF? to nu gan es negaidiiju... bet ja padomaa, ir jau liidziiba...
You are most like
Faramir, Captain of Gondor

Thoroughly dependable, Faramir is loyal to his father. He keeps a watchful eye on the east border of Gondor.

You are earnest and attentive to details. You tend to trust authority and seek security. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have good observational skills. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As Sam says:"I have something to do before the end. I must see it through, sir, if you understand."

Traits: Dependable, beneficient, usually living in the past. On the dark side you could be a hoarder.
es iisteniibaa biju gaidiijis ko citu piem. Legolasu kau ko taadu bet ne Faramiru to es toch nebiju gaidiijis!
Beregond, Guard of the Citidel

Beregond, loyal to the protection of Minas Tirith, supervises the gates of the city.
You are eager to enforce rules and regulations and are probably good with logistics. You tend to worry about society falling apart. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have good observational skills. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

interesanti, to es tiešām nebiju gaidijusi, bet kaut kaslīdzīgs jau ir grin.gif
Interesanti, patiesi interesanti.... smile.gif Taatad liidz shim mums ir sanaakushi shaadi rezultaati:

Aragorn - Dvēselīte, Elentari, FiKi

Boromir - Nulukkizdin, arwenn

Merry - Nimue, Hals_Devins

The Dwarves - Galadriēla, madghost

Faramir - Alfirin, shtepsels

Legolas - modoka

Galadriel - Nihil

Tom Bombadil - She_Elf

Denethor - Elf

Gimli - Erasmus

Beregond - grapefruit

nu jaa.. pagaidaam mums visvairaak Aragornu... bet uz papeezhiem min Boromirs, Merijs un ruuki... veel gan viss var mainiities.. smile.gif
Es esmu gar zemi!! No manis sanāca Gaffer laughing.gif!! Nu ja hobits esmu no matu galiem līdz kāju pirkstiem. Ne velti tieši hobiti ir mani mīluļi,lai gan tik veca vēl neesmu kā Tētiņš!

Sam's father always hasa pulse on the events of the Shire. If you need to know what is happening, he can fill you in. You are sensitive and not likely to withold your emotions. Your anticpation of doom may cause others tension. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier.You have good observational skills. While providing compassion and being considerate,you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You try to schedule your life as muchas possible. You tend to finish your work before resting. As sam says:"I have something to do before the end. I must see it through, sir, if you understand."
Traits: Dependable,beneficient,usually living in the past. On the dark side you cold be a hoarder.

Tā nu es te domīgi sēžu ar alus kausu un vēroju pasaules būtību. Reālajā dzīvē ar kafijas tasi un pie manis nāk kratīt sirdi pārējie cool.gif
Ha, no manīm arī iznāca The Gaffer - Tētiņš laughing.gif ! Lai nu kas, bet Tētiņš. Es pats gan gaidīju, ka kāds rūķis, bet Tētiņš... grin.gif .
Tātad šī brīža rezultāti ir šādi:

Aragorn - Dvēselīte, Elentari, FiKi

Boromir - Nulukkizdin, arwenn

Merry - Nimue, Hals_Devins

The Dwarves - Galadriēla, madghost

Faramir - Alfirin, shtepsels

Gaffer - Nimrodele, Namejs

Legolas - modoka

Galadriel - Nihil

Tom Bombadil - She_Elf

Denethor - Elf

Gimli - Erasmus

Beregond - grapefruit nu tauta saņematies!! Gaidu vēl citu forumiešu rezultātus!!!
Guten Tag, ich bin Gimli! Nu labi, neesmu jau es garš, taču tik īss arī ne! Es- un rūķis!? Hmm... ir ko padomāt...

You are most like
Frodo Baggins, Son of Drogo

With many acquaitenances, Frodo is deeply attached to a few people, like Bilbo, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Sam. His high ethics come out in his treatment of Gollum and Saruman. Frodo has pity on Gollum and believes that change can occur.
You have a strong personal morality. You are committed to relationships and their growth. You tend to be an idealist, believing the best of the world around you. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

The Orcs display the evil side of this personality with their lengthy torture methods.

Traits: Empathic, benevolent, looking to the future. On the dark side you could be sadistic.

Nemaz nezināju, ka man ir tik spalvainas pēdas! :blink: *novelk zeķes lai pārliecinātos... nav!* tongue.gif
You are most like
Meriadoc (Merry) Brandybuck

See Merry's leadership role in the Battle of Bywater (1419).
You are probably not shy in stepping forward and taking charge. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

Hmm... Es gan neteiktu, ka tā tas viss gluži ir, bet uz to pusi apmēram sanāk. Viens ir skaidrs, nekas cits kā hobits no manis sanākt nevarēja, jo man patīk ēst daudz, garšīgi un bieži. Un tieši tāpat ir ar gulēšanu. Pavisam noteikti es piekrītu, ka darbs vispirms ir jāpabeidz un tikai tad var atpūsties. smile.gif
Man sanāca rūķīši.
The Dwarves

As the halls of Moria show, Dwarves like building and inventing.
The world exists to be explained and analyzed. You prefer to work quietly without interruption. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

Nu nezinu, vai tāds esmu, bet varētu gan būt uz to pusi, ja visu izlasot, saprotu pareizi.
Boromir, Heir of Denethor, Captain of the White Tower

Boromir goes to Rivendall after convincing his father, and tries to persuade the Walkers to follow him to Minas Tirith. He is constantly searching Frodo's face for non-verbal information.
You are good at winning others' confidence and not shy at telling others what to do. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have good observational skills. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

Like Boromir, you are not content to sit on the sidelines while the action takes place around you.

Traits: Open minded, easy going, persuassive, optimistic about the future. On the dark side you could be exploitative and an opportunist.

Pilnīgi piekrītu, ka esmu līdzīga Boromiram- optimistiska (cerams uzrakstīju pareizi), es nekad nesēdētu maliņā un man noteikti labi padodas citus uzvarēt. Vienīgā lieta tāda, ka es nekad nebūtu centusies Frodo atņemt gredzenu. Nekad, nekad, nekad. Lai gan- nekad nesaki nekad.

devil.gif devil.gif
Man sanāca Merry. Domaju tapēc kaspēju būt jautr un nebēdnīgs ,bet kad vajag es esmu nopietns un nesatricināms gluži kā Merry. Tas pierāda to ,kā viņš izturējās pret Pippin kas šis skatījā. One of the seven Palantir.
Šī brīža rezultāti rāda, ka joprojām pirmajās vietās atrodās Aragorns, Merijs un Boromirs, kā arī rūķi.. Bet nu forumieši, saņematies!!! Tikai 24 cilvēki ir izpildījuši šo testu.. Gaidu vēl! smile.gif

Aragorn - Dvēselīte, Elentari, FiKi

Merry - Nimue, Hals_Devins, Etasi

Boromir - Nulukkizdin, arwenn, Mia Mirra

The Dwarves - Galadriēla, madghost, Maxwels

Faramir - Alfirin, shtepsels

Gaffer - Nimrodele, Namejs

Gimli - Erasmus, Berlog

Frodo Baggins - Roviela

Legolas - modoka

Galadriel - Nihil

Tom Bombadil - She_Elf

Denethor - Elf

Beregond - grapefruit

Tests atrodams pirmajā pavediena rakstā, kā arī ŠEIT
oi!!! es esmu Sems.... wow.... tieshaam nedomaaju..... shkiet es esmu pirmais SEMS!!! tongue.gif o... es lepojos... Sems bija baigi labais... tieshaam.. man arii likaas, ka vinjam vistrakaak gaaja...nju moralajaa zinjaa.... nju, labi Frodo arii nebija viegli.... grin.gif

You are most like
Samwise (Sam) Gamgee

Sam's primary desire is to be of service and minister to Frodo, which can be seen all through the LOTR.
You want to secure the safety of the people and property you care about. It is probably easy for you to slip from thinking : "This is a bad act" to "This is a bad person". Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have good observational skills. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As Sam says:"I have something to do before the end. I must see it through, sir, if you understand."

Traits: Dependable, beneficient, usually living in the past. On the dark side you could be a hoarder.
Ka Tevi divi devinji! laughing.gif Man sanaaca:

You are most like
Meriadoc (Merry) Brandybuck

See Merry's leadership role in the Battle of Bywater (1419).
You are probably not shy in stepping forward and taking charge. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

Njaa... Shis tas jau taa kaa tomeer atbilst man, bet vispaar... Negaidiits rezultaats! grin.gif
You are most like
Legolas, Son of Thranduil

Legolas knows his way around in the world, with a keen understanding of nature. He is often oblivious to the pain and fatigue of his activities.
Though reserved, you excel in aesthetic endeavors. If a mountain is there, you will climb it. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have good observational skills. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

Like Boromir, you are not content to sit on the sidelines while the action takes place around you.

Traits: Open minded, easy going, persuassive, optimistic about the future. On the dark side you could be exploitative and an opportunist.
Nu vispār to es negaidīju, lidz šim ar Legolasu es sevi tā kā neasocēju, bet ja nu tā...Varbūt arī kaut kas no tā ir...
Olorin of Nienna
Diezgan rūpīgi pildīju un re kas sanāca, diezgan sarežģīts tests! Lai kā nu būtu, viss ir patiesība! smile.gif
The Gaffer

Sam's father always has a pulse on the events of the Shire. If you need to know what is happening, he can fill you in.
You are sensitive and not likely to withhold your emotions. Your anticpation of doom may cause others tension. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have good observational skills. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As Sam says:"I have something to do before the end. I must see it through, sir, if you understand."

Traits: Dependable, beneficient, usually living in the past. On the dark side you could be a hoarder.

Vēlreiz pildīju kkad un sanāca Legolas, tas apraksts ar ļoti ticams!
You are most like
Beregond, Guard of the Citidel

Beregond, loyal to the protection of Minas Tirith, supervises the gates of the city.
You are eager to enforce rules and regulations and are probably good with logistics. You tend to worry about society falling apart. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have good observational skills. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As Sam says:"I have something to do before the end. I must see it through, sir, if you understand."

Traits: Dependable, beneficient, usually living in the past. On the dark side you could be a hoarder.

njaa, ir jau ok, aptuveni esmu...wink.gif
tikai par maz slikto iipashiibu, par daudz labo, bet taa jau visiem teeliem, man liekas...
Faramir, Captain of Gondor

Thoroughly dependable, Faramir is loyal to his father. He keeps a watchful eye on the east border of Gondor.
You are earnest and attentive to details. You tend to trust authority and seek security. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have good observational skills. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As Sam says:"I have something to do before the end. I must see it through, sir, if you understand."

Traits: Dependable, beneficient, usually living in the past. On the dark side you could be a hoarder.

nav jau gluzhi peec manis, bet otreiz taisiit negribeejaas... whistling.gif
he he man sanaaca ka esu Rūķītis nu vispaabaa no taa kas tur taikts es esu pragmatisks autonoms aspraatiigs un apņēmīgs - vinji tur sliktaas iipasiibas nesaka!!
You are most like
Aragorn (Stryder) Son of Arathorn

Aragorn's decisions often seem against conventional wisdom, but he knows what to do and why it must be done, regardless of the cost.
You are good at making contingency plans and come up wiith efficient means to acheive clear-cut ends. You are highly independent, and continue on with your plans even in the face of data that might suggest to others that it's no longer feasible. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

Nu ko lai saka - trāpīts ābolīti par mani. Tieši tā - tiecos uz efektivitātes meklēšanu it visā, un uz zināmu attālināšanos, noslēgšanos no cilvēkiem apkārt. un par to dzīves plānošanu un grafiku ieviešanu - arī totāla taisnība.
You are most like
Frodo Baggins, Son of Drogo

With many acquaitenances, Frodo is deeply attached to a few people, like Bilbo, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Sam. His high ethics come out in his treatment of Gollum and Saruman. Frodo has pity on Gollum and believes that change can occur.
You have a strong personal morality. You are committed to relationships and their growth. You tend to be an idealist, believing the best of the world around you. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

The Orcs display the evil side of this personality with their lengthy torture methods.

Traits: Empathic, benevolent, looking to the future. On the dark side you could be sadistic.

Vispār tāda nu es esmu, jo ticu ka katrā ir kaut kas labs!!!
you are
The Dwarves

ko tas noziimee latviski?
Woow.. Es esmu Toms Bombadils.. Dzimti gan es gribētu nomainīt.. laughing.gif

Tom Bombadil

Though not in the movie (unfortunately), Tom helps the hobbits cast off their concerns for a while. He radiates warmth and festivity.
You are expressive and good at improvisation. You have a contagious humor and joy of living. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have good observational skills. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

Like Boromir, you are not content to sit on the sidelines while the action takes place around you.

I am the first and I shall be the last.. happy.gif

Tiesa man ir infekciozs humoriņš, vai precīzāk smiekli - to apstiprinās visa mana klase&skolotāji happy.gif
Man tiešām ir jautra un priecīga daba un es mīlu dzīvi un tā ir gandrīz allaž, jo man ir bijušas dažas dienas, kad dzīve ir pavisam mella un drūma un noslēgta, bet tās ir bijušas tikai daži mirkļi visā manā dzīvē, jo man patiešām patīk priecāties un es nelepojos ar to, ka reiz es ļāvos galīgam pesimismam..
Es sanācu

Aragorn (Stryder) Son of Arathorn

Aragorn's decisions often seem against conventional wisdom, but he knows what to do and why it must be done, regardless of the cost.
You are good at making contingency plans and come up wiith efficient means to acheive clear-cut ends. You are highly independent, and continue on with your plans even in the face of data that might suggest to others that it's no longer feasible. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. In your desire for clarity in life, you may have the tendency of being remote or even "heartless". You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

As the foil to Aragorn, Sauron clearly embodies the evil side of this personality.

Traits: Pragmatic, autonomous, ingenious, resolute. On the dark side you could desire power and domination.

Njaa, kaut kas līdzīgs mums ir... smile.gif
Tom Bombadil

Though not in the movie (unfortunately), Tom helps the hobbits cast off their concerns for a while. He radiates warmth and festivity.
You are expressive and good at improvisation. You have a contagious humor and joy of living. Social interaction energizes you. The more people the merrier. You have good observational skills. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You like keeping your options open. Closure is probably not one of your strong suits.

Like Boromir, you are not content to sit on the sidelines while the action takes place around you.

TAs pats, kas Selduiinai ;D
Dīvaini kā es šito biju palaidusi garām...

Galadriel, the Lady of Lorien
Like many elves, Galadriel has a rich inner life and a level of mystery. Although elves say both yes and know when sought for counsel, their insight is valuable. She has exceptional empathic abilities.

You are likely to be quiet, and gentle, enjoying helping other people grow and realize their potential. Others may view you as mystical. Time alone is important and solitary activities refresh you. You have a tendency to introspection. While providing compassion and being considerate, you may have the tendency of being soft-hearted or even "too emotional" You try to schedule your life as much as possible. You tend to finish your work before resting.

The Orcs display the evil side of this personality with their lengthy torture methods.

Traits: Empathic, benevolent, looking to the future. On the dark side you could be sadistic.

Pēdējais teikums baigi labs happy.gif . Bet visā visumā, diez vai esmu līdzīga Galadrielai, diez vai viņa bija tik svārstīga un ambicioza whistling.gif
Un kā vēl bija ambicioza. smile.gif
Unfinishe Tales parādās tas, ka Galadriela bija ambicioza un lepna un svārstīga arīdzan. Tikai ap to laiku, kurā viņa redzama LOTR, viņai jau gribas atpakaļ uz Valinoru un savas ambīcijas jau ir piezemējusi un sapratusi savu būtību.
Es esmu Legolas!

Raksturojums atbilst man... smile.gif

Vispār jau interesants tests...
Man sanāca Legolas ! Cik brīnišķīgi ! Man tā patīk viņa stilīgās ausis !
kāds zināja, ka lapa vairāk neveras vaļa'?
Es sanacu Sems .
Tiesam atbilst man .
Iesaku ari citiem uzzinat kas vini ir , jo tad ari uzzinas kas ir pec rakstura.
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=( un es loti grebeeju uzinaat kursh esmu(bet es jau domaaju ga esmu legolass bow_arrow.gif )

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