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> Which Lord of the Rings character?, tests
iesūtīt 08.02.2004 18:14
Raksts #1

Atver vēstuli ar SĒRG-u rezultātiem

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 19.08.03
Kur: savā nodabā

Tātad, kurš no Gredzenu pavēlnieka tēliem tu esi? Spied sitente , lai uzzinātu...man sanāca..

You are most like Aragorn. You have strong convictions and you stick to them. Although you are more of a recluse, you are extremely loyal to the few friends that you have. You are very serious about things, but you like having fun. Fame and fortune mean little to you, and you aren't concerned with being popular. Good for you!

Šo rakstu rediģēja Ashly: 08.02.2004 18:15
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4 Lapas V  < 1 2 3 4 >  
Sākt jaunu pavedienu
Atbildes (40 - 59)
iesūtīt 18.06.2007 16:50
Raksts #41

Izrāda pirmās maģijas pazīmes

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 18.06.07

ta nea ujeratien
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iesūtīt 19.06.2007 10:16
Raksts #42

Pārvērš vaboles par pogām

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 27.11.06
Kur: Nangijāla

You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.


Šo rakstu rediģēja karralá: 19.06.2007 10:17
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iesūtīt 19.06.2007 12:45
Raksts #43

Izrāda pirmās maģijas pazīmes

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 18.06.07

OOOOooo visiem nav Aragorns........
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iesūtīt 19.06.2007 12:54
Raksts #44

Mācās koptelpas paroles

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 25.03.07
Kur: pie datora un grāmatām
Reģe 2008

You are most like Galadriel. There's just something about you that people like. A sort of aura. You're very kind to people, and you like to help others succeed. You're not as candid as most people would like. You don't have to share your deepest darkest secrets, but be more honest about things! You're more mature than most people your age, so don't worry!
nice (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/grin.gif)
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iesūtīt 28.06.2007 09:18
Raksts #45

Alveus anima

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 18.05.07
Kur: Aiz maskas
HP eksperts 2008

You are most like Gandalf. You are very smart for your age, but don't get too proud. With that great brain of yours, you have a tendency to over-analyze stuff. Life isn't as difficult as you think it is. You have a great sense of responsibility to care for others, and that's good! Just make sure you don't neglect yourself in the process.

Apmēram tā jau arī ir, varbūt tikai esmu mazliet vairāk uz slikto pusi.
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iesūtīt 20.07.2007 21:27
Raksts #46

Mācās koptelpas paroles

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 22.09.06
Kur: vidējās rindas 3. solā pa labi.

Esmu Galadriēla.
Nebiju gaidījusi, bet jauki. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/happy.gif)
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iesūtīt 30.07.2007 14:34
Raksts #47

Skatās acīs baziliskam

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 02.10.06
Kur: klejojumos

Aragorns. Neviens cits.
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 30.07.2007 14:37
Raksts #48

Ataudzē kaulus pēc uzvaras kalambola mačā

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 20.02.07
Kur: manis nav, tur ir citi.

You are most like Legolas. Life is good, you're the star. You can take any problem that comes your way. Don't get too cocky, though. Go ahead and enjoy the nature around you, but don't be too reclusive. There are plenty of people who will like you if you just give them the chance.

great... es gan gribēju būt merijs/pipins, bet neko darīt...
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iesūtīt 30.07.2007 15:43
Raksts #49

Cep speķi Dūdijam

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 26.03.07

Mhm. Jau trešais Legolass. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/fear.gif)
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iesūtīt 30.12.2007 22:26
Raksts #50

Gāž podus mikstūrās

Grupa: Izraidītie
Pievienojās: 26.12.07
Kur: virtuvē, ēdu pankūkas.

nekad, nekad, nekad nedomaaju ka būšu legolass...as arii gribeeju buut merijs vai pipins
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iesūtīt 31.12.2007 17:13
Raksts #51

Cogito ergo sum

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 28.02.07
Kur: Divas mājas tālāk
Jaukais snīpis

huh? legolas...? nu varbūt?

Šo rakstu rediģēja washulis: 31.12.2007 17:14
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iesūtīt 31.12.2007 18:54
Raksts #52

Gāž podus mikstūrās

Grupa: Izraidītie
Pievienojās: 26.12.07
Kur: virtuvē, ēdu pankūkas.

yeeeey! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/yahoo_a.gif) izgaaju testu jo biju paarpratusi vienu jaut. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/blush.gif) (cik labi ka muusdienaas ir Tilde!)nu pat 3 reiz izejot testu un pamainot atbildes, par kuraam pašai nebija iisti paarlieciibas, sanaak viens un tas pats rezultaats:You are most like Merry. Hooray for you! You have no problems fitting in with a crowd, and you are often the life of the party. Good thing you're really smart too. Although many people like you, you are very serious about life. Go ahead and make the best of it. Just remember that those who are closest to you will be lost forever if you forget them.<p align="center"><table border="1" bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td><img src="http://geocities.com/mydigitalview/tr_merry.jpg"></td></tr><tr><td><a href="http://geocities.com/mydigitalview/lotr_person.html">What LoTR Character Are You?</a></td></tr></table> tagad varu teikt ka esmu apmierinaata! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/wink.gif) ^_^yeeeey! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/yahoo_a.gif) izgaaju testu jo biju paarpratusi vienu jaut. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/blush.gif) (cik labi ka muusdienaas ir Tilde!)nu pat 3 reiz izejot testu un pamainot atbildes, par kuraam pašai nebija iisti paarlieciibas, sanaak viens un tas pats rezultaats:You are most like Merry. Hooray for you! You have no problems fitting in with a crowd, and you are often the life of the party. Good thing you're really smart too. Although many people like you, you are very serious about life. Go ahead and make the best of it. Just remember that those who are closest to you will be lost forever if you forget them.tagad varu teikt ka esmu apmierinaata! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/wink.gif) ^_^yeeeey! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/yahoo_a.gif) izgaaju testu jo biju paarpratusi vienu jaut. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/blush.gif) (cik labi ka muusdienaas ir Tilde!)nu pat 3 reiz izejot testu un pamainot atbildes, par kuraam pašai nebija iisti paarlieciibas, sanaak viens un tas pats rezultaats:You are most like Merry. Hooray for you! You have no problems fitting in with a crowd, and you are often the life of the party. Good thing you're really smart too. Although many people like you, you are very serious about life. Go ahead and make the best of it. Just remember that those who are closest to you will be lost forever if you forget them.tagad varu teikt ka esmu apmierinaata! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/wink.gif) ^_^yeeeey! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/yahoo_a.gif) izgaaju testu jo biju paarpratusi vienu jaut. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/blush.gif) (cik labi ka muusdienaas ir Tilde!)nu pat 3 reiz izejot testu un pamainot atbildes, par kuraam pašai nebija iisti paarlieciibas, sanaak viens un tas pats rezultaats:You are most like Merry. Hooray for you! You have no problems fitting in with a crowd, and you are often the life of the party. Good thing you're really smart too. Although many people like you, you are very serious about life. Go ahead and make the best of it. Just remember that those who are closest to you will be lost forever if you forget them.tagad varu teikt ka esmu apmierinaata! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/wink.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/happy.gif)
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iesūtīt 01.01.2008 00:54
Raksts #53

Cogito ergo sum

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 28.02.07
Kur: Divas mājas tālāk
Jaukais snīpis

njā... es jau nu neteikšu, ka vienu raktu iepriekš tu biji legolass! (iesaku pārbaudīt), un ko tu izdarīji ar to tekstu?
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iesūtīt 01.01.2008 04:27
Raksts #54

Gāž podus mikstūrās

Grupa: Izraidītie
Pievienojās: 26.12.07
Kur: virtuvē, ēdu pankūkas.

CITĀTS(washulis @ 01.01.2008 00:54) *
njā... es jau nu neteikšu, ka vienu raktu iepriekš tu biji legolass! (iesaku pārbaudīt), un ko tu izdarīji ar to tekstu?

tiesi taa, es teicu ka biju paarpratusi vienu jaut,(jo kaa nekaa anglu valoda nav mana dzimtaa) un taapeec izgaaju veelreiz un sanaaca merijs nevis legolass!

bet par to Sviestu, ar lielo burtu, iepriekš man nav ne jausmas.... (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/blink_a.gif)
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iesūtīt 01.01.2008 19:24
Raksts #55

Cogito ergo sum

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 28.02.07
Kur: Divas mājas tālāk
Jaukais snīpis

tad jau labi, ka ir tilde... bet teksts paliek mistery!!! izpildīju vļereiz un atkla legolass (es esmu nolemta!!!)
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 01.01.2008 20:39
Raksts #56

Gāž podus mikstūrās

Grupa: Izraidītie
Pievienojās: 26.12.07
Kur: virtuvē, ēdu pankūkas.

CITĀTS(washulis @ 01.01.2008 19:24) *
tad jau labi, ka ir tilde... bet teksts paliek mistery!!! izpildīju vļereiz un atkla legolass (es esmu nolemta!!!)

njaa, mani patiesiibaa no legolasa šķir tagad tikai viena nieka atbilde...patiesiibaa - es neesmu gana sportiska, lol (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/laughing.gif) .....ko lai saka, nav jau slikti buut smukaam, veiklajam Legolasam, bet viņam ir taa elfu apseestiiba ar juuru! Traks var palikt!
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iesūtīt 17.03.2008 20:26
Raksts #57

Cep speķi Dūdijam

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 04.01.08
Kur: 57◦ Z.p., 24◦ A.g.

You are most like Arwen. Calm and reserved, you are not given to sudden outbursts. You conduct yourself with dignity...most of the time. The rest of the time you cut loose are are totally cool. You don't really think of yourself as popular, but plenty of people like you. You are not given to needless flirting. The right person will come along some day, and you are content to wait.

Vispār raksturojums atbilst man...
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iesūtīt 18.03.2008 16:53
Raksts #58

Skatās acīs baziliskam

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 02.10.06
Kur: klejojumos

Un pēc cik tur tiem mēnešiem man atkal sanāca tas pats Aragorns. Pozitīvi.
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iesūtīt 30.05.2008 22:55
Raksts #59

Kļūst par pirmo, kas izbaudījis visas visgaršu zirnīšu garšas

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 27.02.07

Es esmu vienīgais Pippins te! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/yahoo_a.gif) tēls kuram neviens cits nestāv klāt! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/tongue.gif)
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Džezā tikai Meit...
iesūtīt 31.05.2008 00:08
Raksts #60

Prāto, kā lietderīgāk ieguldīt rūķīšu zeltu

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 21.06.07
Kur: ārpasaulē

Lai kuras atbildes spiestu.

You are most like Galadriel. There's just something about you that people like. A sort of aura. You're very kind to people, and you like to help others succeed. You're not as candid as most people would like. You don't have to share your deepest darkest secrets, but be more honest about things! You're more mature than most people your age, so don't worry!

Kaut kā jau nojautu šādu iznākumu.. jauki.

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