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iesūtīt 18.08.2017 13:35
Raksts #1

Atver vēstuli ar SĒRG-u rezultātiem

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 16.06.06
Kur: tepat
Vārdmetējs 2012

mazā omulīgā pačalošana- apakšvirsraksts

varbūt tas drīzāk der gondorai bet gan jau aizvirzīsimies kaut kur arī prom no literatūras

paklau- vai tev tā krāsu tēma arī ir kaut kā pārsūtāma pa e pastu?
man ienāca prātā arī ko tev nosūtīt, gaidi!

nu skaidrs- tu esi ideālā tulkotāja! nopietni. bet tam jābūt baigi grūti ja grib tulkot īstas grāmatas. valoda ir ģeoloģijas slāņi svītas un epohas.
ko tu piemēram lasi lai apgūtu konkrētu stilu? un ko tu piemēram vēlies tulkot?
domāju ir ļoti derīgi ar tulkotāja aci lasīt Zanes Rozenbergas tulkojumus. arī hobits ir viņas darbs. (bail iedomāties par ko to padarītu mūsdienās) un protams lm montgomerija

un loģiski belševicas- arī alise brīnumzemē bet tu to noteikti visu zini pati

vai mācies tikai pati vai attiecīgi studē kaut kur angļu filologos?

man jau liekas ka vajadzētu pieņemt likumu, ka neko nedrīkst tulkot nepārbaudīts tulkotājs. reizumis tas noteikti varētu būt autodidakts bet tam vienalga būtu jānoliek eksāmens kā braukšanas tiesības

lasu pēdējā laikā latvju tekstus. un sajutu pilnīgi literāro procesu kādā mirklī. tagadnes iespaidu. it kā literatūra latvijā notiktu mūsdienās un es tajā būtu iesaistīta. :>> proti gadījās izlasīt pirms dažiem mēn bereļa fragmentu no topošās grāmatas par rakstīšanu- un pēc tam ievas melgalves komentāru par to- viņa pateica tieši to ko es domāju. rādās tiem tajās augstajās sfērās ir vajadzīgs kāds kas atgādina pašsaprotamo. tad vēl recenzija par monstriem un metaforām- droši vien esi lasījusi?- arī gluži manas domas
un dažus vecos karogus- tur izrādās ir visādas interesantas lietas- un daudz vairāk nekā mūsdienās- varbūt tu zini kādu, kam tādus nav kur likt?
vakar piedzīvoju dzīves mācību. lūk kāda tā ir:
klausi savai intuīcijai!
maijā man skolas biblenē lasītavā paziņoja ka viss arhīvs ir izmests laukā un es šokā nezināju ko darīt. gribēju iet pārjautāt biblotekārei, bet ko man tur jautāt- negribēju dzirdēt vēlvienu apstiprinājumu- jā jā vajdzēja atnākt pirms dažām dienām.
un tagad izrādās ka tieši karogi tobrīd vēl nebija izmesti. un neviens neiedomājās arī man pateikt kaut arī es tur gorījos ik pēc nedēļas. tāds rūgtums zini dvēselē...

nu labi :>> bet tu gan tā nedari. mirkli apdomājies un eskrien prom ja iekšējā balss kaut ko saka (protams var gadīties ka tā iesaka lasīties prom- piemēram ja esi nočiepis kādu žurnālu vai tādā garā)
ps- man vnk skolā ir blats

lasu šobrīd čempionu brokastis. varbūt to var pamanīt
vonnegūts visu raksta tādā garā?

tu noteikti esi labāk pazīstama ar lit klasiku :> apelsīns un skrūves pagrieziens un tādā garā man vēl gaida sarakstā
bet vienlaikus vakar līdz rītam lasīju arī vulfu- uz bāku. pēc satura ļoti līdzīga airisai mērdokai (to gan esmu pavairāk lasījusi. bet taupu un marinēju) pēc stila arī bet ar savu rokrakstu
nesaprotu kāpēc "autors voice" nevar tulkot kā rokraksts. tas jau sen ir tik pašsaptotams vārds
"balss" izklausās de.bīli. (ievēro, ka es nesaku "manuprāt") hahaha

methods of rationality ir bieži citēts tv tropes- to tu arī noteikti zini
es sāku sazināties ar amāliju bet tad viņa kaut kur pazuda- pēdējais ko viņai pajautāju- vai lasi tv tropes?
iespējams ka viņa ir pazudusi tropu džungļos...
lai nu kā- ja tu to iztulkosi būs baigi baigi super! novēlu visu kas tam vajadzīgs!

nu jā krēslā ir tā lieta par mitoloģiju- vairāk tas kas tur nav pateikts bet domāts- uguns un ledus, pūstošie vampīri par nāvi un siltie vilkači par dzīvību. bellas izteiciens- ejiet ieskrieties ar savu dvēseli, man to nevajag. voltūru vēture. vampīru "dzīves spēlēšana" piem alises modīgums. nemirstīgie bērni un izdzimteņi un jaukteņi jeb svētie bērni. viņas gaidību ainas bija visšaušalīgākās un fascinējošākās. tāpēc to tomēr var pieskaitīt pie šausmu lit. un voltūru gļēvulība. īstenībā viņi redzot pretestību nemaz neuzzsāka cīņu. viņi bija pieraduši pie visvarenības. un kur nu vēl pats āro- tas nu tiešām ir literatūras un arī kino gardumiņš. kā viņš viņu notēloja! turklāt filmā vēl bija pielikts klāt un uzlabots. nu tādas lietas
protams daudz kas no tā ir citās grām vnk pie mums tās nav tulkotas

(mājiens ar neuzkrītošu sētas mietu)

ļoti interesanti- man 4. poters tā patīk ka neesmu baigi daudz kļūdu manījusi, kaut arī izlasīts apm 46x
klau- vai e bukā teorētiski var labot? man jau sen interesē

klauss. jā, man šai sakarā nenormāli riebjās tā blondā, aizmirsu kā sauc. tik paštaisnu personu reti gadās redzēt! pat šinī fikšonlandē kur tādas vien mīt. un tas ka viņa beigās saiet ar stefanu! pfffff... vismaz tikpat bezsakarīgi kā Harijs un dž.
jā par boniju tev pilnīgi piekrītu. bet viņa tur ir drausmīgi pazemota. bez viņas tur neviens neizdzīvotu, bet viņa skaitās gandrīz kā 3. plāna tēls
laikam tāpēc ka melnā. un tāpēc ka nenoliedzami visskaistākā persona starp abiem dzimumiem visās sērijās. baltajiem vnk tas skauž. jau gadsimtiem. tas arī visu izskaidro. arī iekšēji visskaistākā- kopā ar savu grandma
arī blondā, nu klausa māsa ir baigi forša un arī ļaunā ketrīna tā neko
bet vnk vnk neatvairāms ir elaidža... (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/rolleyes_a.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/rolleyes_a.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/rolleyes_a.gif)
tik kārtīgs un godīgs...

(IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/grin.gif) nē tiešām
labi esmu rdzējusi tikai 2 sezonas?- 2 un 3? un īsti neiebraucu pamatproblēmā kāpēc viņiem ir tās problēmas. bet zini literatūra tāpec ir literatūra ka simboliska. plus vēl kaut kā izjūtu cieņu pret tiem kam jāsabūvē tik ietilpīgs sižets tik īsā laikā un vēl jāuzfilmē. (tāpat kā once upon time.)
esmu piedalījusies par statisti- laikam ar to pietiek lai izjustu uz savas ādas cik sarežģīta lieta ir filmēšana. jo vairāk tāpēc ka pašai nav jāatskaitās nekādiem termiņiem- kā rakstu tā rakstu. un no otras puses sāku arvien vairāk izjust kāds lāsts rakstniekam ir laiks... :> ka viņam jāiekļauj sava iztēle tomēr realitātē
bet protams faniem ir jāsaredz muļķības
vienīgais domāju ka jāizšķiro par ko vērts besīties vairāk- stulbiem tēliem vai fantastisku sižetu. galu galā pastāv rule of cool.. * čukst* (tropi)


Šo rakstu rediģēja kaiva: 18.08.2017 13:43
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+Citēt rakstu
28 Lapas V  « < 9 10 11 12 13 > »   
Sākt jaunu pavedienu
Atbildes (200 - 219)
iesūtīt 06.10.2019 12:44
Raksts #201

Ataudzē kaulus pēc uzvaras kalambola mačā

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 06.04.07
Kur: Vakardienas trakumā

Uh skumji... Laiks ir nepielūdzams.
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 20.10.2019 08:38
Raksts #202

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Brīdī kad jau sāku domāt, ka Polenicus būs pazudis bez pēdām, viņš ierodas un nopublicē kārtējo nodaļu stāstā, un kādu...

Breakfast was passed quietly, the silent agreement to focus on eating first, and strategizing and whatnot afterwards. Ranma found that despite the grimness of her situation, the idea that there was some kind of plan, no matter how nebulous, did a great deal to restore her appetite.

I've been relying on Nabiki an awful lot, she mused as she shoveled rice into her mouth with something approaching her traditional gusto. Is that really okay? I used to handle my own fights.

She raised her head and glanced around the table, taking a moment to ponder the scene. Yeah, and doing it the Saotome Way got me where, exactly? One month after hooking up with Nabiki and I'm having breakfast with three of the people who most wanted me dead. The fiancee situation is basically solved. And as messed up as what my family did may have been, Nabiki almost beat Himura to the punch. She shook her head. The difference between a Warrior and a General. I got a lot to learn to fight on this level.
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 21.10.2019 14:07
Raksts #203

Ataudzē kaulus pēc uzvaras kalambola mačā

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 06.04.07
Kur: Vakardienas trakumā

Cik tad ilgi nebija redzēts turpinājums?

Man sācies brīvlaiks, tad jau drīz arī racionālajām metodēm varēšu ielikt kādu turpinājumu. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/smile.gif)
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 22.10.2019 13:15
Raksts #204

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

CITĀTS(Hermaine @ 21.10.2019 14:07) *
Cik tad ilgi nebija redzēts turpinājums?

Vairāk kā pusgadu. Aprīlī bija iepriekšējais.

CITĀTS(Hermaine @ 21.10.2019 14:07) *
Man sācies brīvlaiks, tad jau drīz arī racionālajām metodēm varēšu ielikt kādu turpinājumu. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/smile.gif)

Tas labi!
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 23.10.2019 10:13
Raksts #205

Ataudzē kaulus pēc uzvaras kalambola mačā

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 06.04.07
Kur: Vakardienas trakumā

Orka dienasgrāmata tev tur ir labā. Kārtīga padomija.
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 29.10.2019 20:01
Raksts #206

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Jā. Humors ar labs, īsti tik tie kas to pieredzējuši spēj novērtēt.

Šodien tiku līdz pusei "Es esmu šeit lai palīdzētu." 4 daļas gatavas, 4 palikušas.

Nav patīkami slimot, bet kad vārties pa gultu, un kusties tik pa istabu, neko citu nepadarīsi.
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 30.10.2019 22:35
Raksts #207

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Lasu HP fanfiku kurā Poters 23 gadu vecumā atgriežas pats sevī 11 gados. labs humors.

"When that guy kidnapped us, I thought 'well this sucks, but at least now I'll have a great story to tell people after Harry rescues me' but nooooooo. My story will have to be 'Harry heroically let the basilisk get within 200 feet of him and then sicked a rooster on it, killing it instantly,'" Ginny huffed, clearly very put out that nothing good was coming out of her kidnapping.
Harry and Lockhart exchanged glances.
"You do know that that's not what we're going to tell people, right?" Harry asked hesitantly.
Ginny blinked at him. "But…that's what happened," she said, as if that had anything to do with it.
"For now," Lockhart agreed. "But really, stories like that just don't sell books. We'll need to come up with something else."
"You're going to be writing a book on this?" Ginny asked, disbelief evident in her voice. "But…nothing happened!"
"On the contrary, we killed a basilisk," Harry corrected. "We just didn't do it in a very exciting way. You know what would be exciting, though? Professor Lockhart managing to gouge out the basilisk's eyes before it bit him in the shoulder and I took advantage of the distraction to heroically slay the basilisk with the sword of Gryffindor."
"But that's not what happened!" Ginny really seemed stuck on this one point.
"But there's really no proof one way or another," Lockhart pointed out. "We'll have to stab the eyes of the basilisk so that it lines up with Harry's version, but that would only marginally diminish the value and it would make handling it safer anyway, so I think we should stick with Harry's version as it portrays us both in a good light. Granted, I would rather be the one slaying the basilisk, but letting a minor and a student of mine get bitten by a basilisk and serve as a distraction would be highly irresponsible and hurt my reputation accordingly."
"If either one of you got bitten by the basilisk, then why are you still alive? They are highly poisonous after all. And there's no mark whatsoever!" Ginny pointed out.
Harry rolled his eyes. "Obviously, we healed him with the vial of phoenix tears I've always kept with me ever since learning of the basilisk's existence." He paused, considering. "She does have a point about that lack of a mark, though. Diffindo!"
"Hey!" Lockhart protested as his left sleeve fell off. "These are good robes!"
"They've also been exposed to all of the grime from a millennia of no one cleaning anything down here, remember?" Harry asked, waving his wand and vanishing the sleeve.
"I suppose…" Lockhart sighed. "The sacrifices I make, I swear…"

Šo rakstu rediģēja Aiva: 30.10.2019 22:38
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 31.10.2019 16:36
Raksts #208

Ataudzē kaulus pēc uzvaras kalambola mačā

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 06.04.07
Kur: Vakardienas trakumā

Puse ir laba vieta, tad jau atliek tikai otra puse. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/cool.gif)

O jā, šis bija labs, un ja vēl Zeltiņš būtu sarakstījis tās grāmatas. Uj dieniņās, noteikti pārsmieties varētu. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/laughing.gif)
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 31.10.2019 20:17
Raksts #209

Ataudzē kaulus pēc uzvaras kalambola mačā

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 06.04.07
Kur: Vakardienas trakumā

Sāku lasīt, tiešām labs. Nav pliks humors, bet arī analizētas dažādas nejēdzības burvju pasaulē. To referenci, ka Vīzlijiem ir radinieks, par kuru viņi nerunā, jo viņš ir grāmatvedis - ka tā ir tāda pati, kā Dērsliji nerunā par savu radinieku, jo viņš ir burvis - galīgi oriģinālā nebiju uztvērusi. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/blink_a.gif)

Tagad lasu 4. nodaļu un ir ļoti interesanti. Paldies, ka ieteici! (Pēc skolas uz nedēļas beigām arī prasās ar tieši kaut ko tādu atpūtināt prātu.)
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 03.11.2019 22:52
Raksts #210

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Uzdūros pavecam Nabiki - Rjuouga fanfikam "Šarlotes tīkls". Mūžam Pazudušais Zēns un Furinkanas Ledus karaliene? Interesants pāris, diezgan garš darbs, arī labs humors.

Saites nebūs, jo pārāk augsts reitings.

Fragments no pēdējās nodaļas
"I really wouldn't want to be with anyone else romantically. It'd be one heck of a step down from *the* evil goddess of temptations, Nabiki Tendo."
"Not many men would call me evil and expect me to be flattered." Nabiki said dryly. "What's even more interesting is how much I liked it, when you called me that."
Ryoga smiled. "We cant deny who we are, Nabiki. Anyway I think I'm used to wandering around. While I was out there I felt really, really good, like a caged animal set free."
"So I'm a cage now, am I?" Nabiki demanded angrily.
"No. I didn't mean it like that." Ryoga said softly. He paused. "Well . . . you're kind of a cage I guess. I mean, a very nice cage, but a cage anyway. You never let me go anywhere, it's depressing."
"Then why did you even come back?" The middle Tendo sister scoffed.
"I had to see you." Ryoga said. "I missed you, y'know?"
Nabiki shook her head. "Okay." She said. "Alright, I've made up my mind."
"Hmm?" Ryoga looked curious.
"I'll go."
"Go where?"
"With you."
"You don't know where I'm going." Ryoga said.
"Ryoga-honey, I don't even think *you* know where you're going."
"This is true." Ryoga said. "I have a general idea of where I want to be though."
"And just think of how quickly you'll get there with me to navigate for you." Nabiki nodded. "Now you can take your cage with you, in case you get lonely." She said.
"You sure about this? Life on the road is tough." Ryoga said.
"Life in general is tough." Nabiki nodded.
"I guess so." Ryoga said.

"Alright." Kasumi said to herself at last. "Some one left a note, I might as well read it." She walked over to the door and snatched it. She looked it over.

**To whom it may concern, I, Nabiki Tendo, being of particularly sound mind and body, have decided to spend the summer with my fiancee in Hawaii. I'm sure getting there will be half the fun, and only a third the charge.
That said, do not to bother looking for your credit card, Daddy. Don't worry, we'll be responsible and only use it in an emergency. For the record, when I say 'emergency' I mean whenever it's easier to find than cash. We'll be back before summer's end.
With love, and your life's savings, Nabiki & Ryoga**

Kasumi shook her head. "Father wont be happy about this." She decided.
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 19.11.2019 14:11
Raksts #211

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Lasu vēl vienu interesantu fanfiku. "Kādā garlaicīgā dienā..."

She looked at him curiously. "What do you mean?"

Turning his head, Ranma studied her carefully for a while. "Can I trust you?"

She looked at him for a moment. "I don't know," she replied honestly. "I'd like to think so, but I can't completely guarantee it."

He grinned at her, amused. "OK, let's put it like this. I think I can make it worth your while to keep my secrets. I'm prepared to forgive all the things that you've done to me in the past, as long as you promise to stop doing them from now on. In return I'm pretty sure that I can make up for any money you'll lose as a result. Could we make that deal and stick to it?"

It was her turn to study him. There was silence for a couple of minutes, before she slowly nodded. "Under those circumstances, I think we could come to an arrangement. One question; Why now?"

He laughed for a few seconds. "Because I have to tell someone, it's driving me nuts keeping it to myself!"

She giggled, an unusually happy expression crossing her face. "That's a weird reason, but I kind of understand."

"What are you going to do?" she asked.

"Blow your mind," came the somewhat discomfiting reply. She stopped for a moment, before moving closer. Reaching out he took her hand. "Close your eyes." After a long moment she followed his instructions. "Right, take a step. And another, and one more." It suddenly got very hot. Opening her eyes reflexively she blinked at the extremely bright sunlight, her eyes dazzled. After a few seconds her vision cleared and she froze in total shock. When she recovered enough to move she slowly looked around at the deserted landscape surrounding her, completely sure it was nowhere in Japan at all, never mind anywhere near Nerima. Looking helplessly at him, for once feeling completely out of her depth, she asked a question with her eyes.

Ranma smiled gently at her, still holding her hand. "I know, it's a lot to take in."

"Where the hell are we, Ranma?" she asked quietly, stunned and unable to do anything else but trust he knew what he was doing. The answer made a weird kind of sense at the same time as making no sense at all.

"Western Australia, roughly in the middle of the Great Victoria desert. The nearest road is about three hundred kilometres that way, and the nearest town another two hundred kilometres from there."

Šo rakstu rediģēja Aiva: 19.11.2019 14:14
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 21.11.2019 19:28
Raksts #212

Ataudzē kaulus pēc uzvaras kalambola mačā

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 06.04.07
Kur: Vakardienas trakumā

Izlasīju to fanfiku par Hariju, kur viņš bija atceļojis laikā atpakaļ 11 gadu vecumā.
Tas Zeltiņš Sirdsāķis beigās bija labais. Pārsmieties varēja! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/cool.gif)
Vienīgi man varbūt bik prasījās, lai tur parādās kāds brīdis, kad Harijs nezinātu, kas notiek tālāk, jo kaut kas noietu citādāk greizi, bet acīmredzot tāds nebija šā fanfika mērķis (tas ir, autore vairāk bija gribējusi drusku pasmieties), tāpēc arī nekas tāds nenotika.
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 24.11.2019 23:03
Raksts #213

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Vai ne? Bet nu tā ir, ka autoram ir savs mērķis un savas domas, un mums lasītājiem atliek vien tam piekrist vai arī meklēt kaut ko citu.

Un jā, paralēli visam kur esmu iesācis, iesāku arī Polenicus tulkošanu... Autors piekrita, vispar bija pat pārsteigts, ka kāds viņu gatavs tulkot. Un solījās, ka tagad jau nu noteikti pabeigs darbu. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/grin.gif)

Nabiki nopūtās, skatoties kā aiz vilciena loga garām zib Japānas ainavas, vagoniem viegli sašūpojoties uz kārtējā sliežu salaiduma.

Tam būtu vajadzējis būt nomierinošam, atslābinošam ceļojumam. Sasodīts, viņa tā bija to gaidījusi! Viņa bija sākusi plānot šo ceļojumu vairāk kā pirms pusgada! Tā būtu bijusi pēdējā iespēja atrauties pirms vidusskolas izlaiduma. Katra lieka jēna, kas bija nonākusi viņas pirkstos, bija atlikta šim mērķim - kaut vienu nedeļas nogali izbaudīt tādu dzīvi, kādu viņa vienmēr bija sev vēlējusies. Tikai viņa. Parasta meitene, bez rūpēm un problēmām. Nekādu austrumu cīņu meistaru, vai ūdens iespaidā transformējošos radījumu, nekādu mūžsenu demonu vai spoku vai lāstu, nekādu nebeidzamu atriebības cīņu, nekādu sasodītu ķīniešu amazoņu, nekāda toksiska cienasta. NEKĀ TĀDA! Tikai parasta meitene, parastā pludmales viesnīcā, kas izbaudītu parastu jauku vasaras nedēļas nogali. Varbūt satiktu kādu jauku puisi, mazliet izklaidētos…. Kas zina?

Paldies tev, māšel! Nu ļoti liels tev paldies. Liekas, ka ap viņu vilciena vagonā bija savilcies tumšs lietus mākonis, pilnībā aizsedzot spožo vasaras sauli aiz loga. Viņai blakus sēdēja Ranma. Viņas līgavainis, Ranma.

Nebija jau tā, ka Akanei tā būtu pirmo reizi sanācis eksplodēt un pasūtīt uz Jigoku visu šo idiotisko saderināšanās būšanu. Iepriekšējā reize bija bijusi visai izklaidējoša un pat samērā peļņu nesoša, lai gan panākt ka abi cietpaurainie auni beidzot atzītos viens otram, ko patiesībā viens pret otru jūt, viņai tā arī nebija sanācis. Vismaz uz randiņu abi divi BIJA aizgājuši, tāpēc Nabiki to uzskatīja par zināmu uzvaru savā kontā, taču drīz vien lietas, viņai par šoku un nelaimi, bija atgriezušās vecajās sliedēs.

ŠOREIZ… Šoreiz viss bija sazvērējies visļaunākajā iespējamā veidā. Viskarstākā un sausākā vasara Tokijā laika pierakstīšanas vēsturē bija atstājusi visus nomocītus un neizgulējušos. Tad bija uzkūlušies jauns cīņas meistaru pāris un sarīkojuši papildus haosu. Šoreiz, pārsteidzoši, skrituļslidotāju pāris, noklīduši no amerikāņu tūristu grupas. Kas bija vēl pārsteidzošāk, pāra skaistule meitene bija izrādījusi vairāk intereses par AKANI, nevis Ranmu. Līgavu Brigāde gluži kā haizivis bija saodušas asiņu pēdas ūdenī un metušās iejaukties. Un Ranma… ak, šis mūžam tik diplomātiskais Ranma… sev tik raksturīgi bija kārtējo reizi pierādījis, ka NEPROT turēt mēli aiz zobiem.

Akane neuzsprāga dusmu izvirdumā, kā tas parasti tādos brīžos bija noticis. Tas bija bijis daudz ļaunāk. Viņa bija bijusi pilnīgi rāma, kad bija paziņojusi, ka lauž saderināšanos. Viņa pat nebija visā vainojusi Ranmu, bet prātīgā balsī uzskaitījusi KAUDZI iemeslu, visus ļoti pamatotus, loģiskus un saprotamus, kāpēc viņa tā tik nelokāmi pārtrauc šīs vairāk kā divus gadus ilgušās attiecības un dodas PROM no visa šī trakuma. Un pēc tam pārcēlusies dzīvot pie tantes Nodokas.

Šo rakstu rediģēja Aiva: 24.11.2019 23:05
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iesūtīt 25.11.2019 18:47
Raksts #214

Ataudzē kaulus pēc uzvaras kalambola mačā

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 06.04.07
Kur: Vakardienas trakumā

Cik tad tev vispār ir to iesākto projektu? (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/tongue.gif)
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iesūtīt 26.11.2019 00:39
Raksts #215

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Kāds ducis. Lai gan plānoju vairākus aizvērt drīzumā.
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iesūtīt 26.11.2019 21:10
Raksts #216

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Šodien atklāju vēl vienu vecu bet labu fanfiku par Ranma 1/2 komandu un laika mašīnu "Atspēriena punkts":

"Ok, what is it then?" The question may have been irrelevant since the item was non functional, but she was curious anyway.
"An Axial-Temporal Wavefront Transponder." The assistant stated proudly, then seeing Nabiki's confusion, translated, "A time machine."
Now the Tendo smirked. "You do know that lying to me tends to be very bad for your financial future…?"
"Unfortunately she's absolutely serious." The Science Club Treasurer sighed. "Our physics team wasted a good chunk of our budget on this useless paperweight. I've been trying to convince the President to have it liquidated for parts, but…"
"Serious times call for serious measures, Cho." The assistant stated matter-of-factly.
"Dammit. Ok."
Nabiki now seriously considered the offer. Normally she wouldn't touch the deal with a ten-foot pole, except for the fact that she was an excellent judge of character. These two weren't lying. Neither were they exactly eager to part with the device, regardless of its operational status. She was betting if she did have it checked out, the parts would make up for the loss too.
"Ok. I'll take your, er, time machine as collateral." Then she looked at them both with an amused grin. "But come on. Aren't time machines supposed to be… huge? I mean, I would rather have a Delorian as collateral."

Tikai, mašīna izrādās nav nemaz tik nestrādājoša. Un nākotne Nabiki Tendo, kad viņa uz to paskatās, sāk rādīties ar steigu maināma. It tikai viens 'bet'... Laika inerce ir tik spēcīga, ka mainīt kaut ko nesanāk tik vienkārši.... Lai kā Nabiki censtos, paliek tikai arvien ļaunāk...
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iesūtīt 02.12.2019 18:24
Raksts #217

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Lasu Džima Roberta Badera (lai viņam vieglas smiltis) fanfiku "Stāsts par diviem maciņiem" ("A Tale of two Wallets"). Kārtējo reizi reitings ir augsts, saites nebūs, bet darba ideja ir, ka nākotnē ap 20+ gadus vecā Nabiki vēro, kā Akane un Ranma turpina sadzīvot kā suns ar kaķi, un apsver domu, ka reiz pirms gadiem bija pieļāvusi neiedomājamu kļūdu, atdodot Ranmu māsai. Viņai tiek piedāvāta iespēja izmainīt šo izvēli. Rezultāts ir 130+ nodaļu darbs, plus ducis papildus sižetu. Lūzuma punkts ir brīdis, kad Ranmu nostāda izvēles priekšā, kuru no trim Tendo meitām izvēlēties. Tā vietā, lai uzgrūstu Ranmu māsai, Nabiki neapzinoties pasaka, ka piekrīt.

Fragments ko piedāvāju, ir pēc pirmās Šan Pū vizītes Tendo namā.

Nabiki looked at her iinazuke for several brief seconds then smiled at him shyly, "Ranma when you and your father traveled to places like China did you have many encounters like the one at that Amazon village?"

"Uh some," Ranma replied after thinking about it for a long moment, "Nothing that bad, though. Why?"

"I'm just hoping we don't have to go through this too many times during our engagement," Nabiki replied, and then with both hands she grabbed Ranma by his shirt and drew him close enough to eye him with a particularly feral stare, "And if I have to go through another day like this you can bet that I'll make you regret it for the rest of your days. You may be a great fighter, but if you provoke me the results for you will be most unpleasant. I trust I don't have to elaborate on the details?"

"Uh, no," Ranma said nervously, "I pretty much get the message."

Nabiki looked into his blue eyes and very slowly the smile returned to her face as she contemplated the look of helplessness in his expression. She had Ranma completely at her mercy and for a moment she wondered if she would have the courage to take advantage of the situation. Eventually she let him go, though, then turned away as she said, "Just as long as we understand each other, Saotome. Put me through that again and you will regret it. Now you'd better leave and let me get back to my homework. We'll talk again early tomorrow in the dojo. That is, if you still feel like training me in the martial arts."

"Huh?" he blinked intelligently, then said, "Oh, yeah sure, It'd be an honor."

"Good," Nabiki smiled as she turned back to face him, backing him up towards the window as she added, "I've lost a week of practice with you, and we still need to develop a special tutoring system to help you with your school work. I also think I ought to have a few words with Kasumi about your diet, I don t think you've been eating properly with that Amazon trying to force-feed you her cooking. We ve got a big day ahead of us tomorrow, so I'll see you when I see you, Ranma?"

"Uh, yeah, I " he suddenly fell back through the window as she pushed him outside, then close it on him with a smile as she watched him scramble to avoid falling off the roof, inevitably to land again in the koi pond.

Šo rakstu rediģēja Aiva: 02.12.2019 18:30
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iesūtīt 09.12.2019 20:34
Raksts #218

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Jauks fanfiks par Hariju Poteru un viņa draugiem - "Lunas gads" ( Luna's Year) . Harijs un Luna pāris. Interesanti, bet reizēm man ir licies ka Luna un Harijs būtu saderīgi kopā... Fragments no ceturtās nodaļas, Luna iegājusi Aizliegtajā Mežā, un Hagrids ar kompāniju devušies viņu meklēt... Tikai Rons apmaldās, gandrīz uzspridzinās uz Hagrida signālraķetes un vispār ir dziļi nelaimīgs, ka, tā vietā lai atrastu Lunu, Luna atrod viņu...

"Well, that was funny," Luna said cheerfully.
"Look!" snapped Ron, spinning around to face her. "I didn't come here to make you laugh, all right? I'm doing this as a favor to Harry; he thought you might be in trouble so that's why we went looking for you! That's all!"
Luna stopped in her tracks, her smile gone. She looked at Ron with an unfathomable stare. Oh not this again, Ron thought to himself.
"Well, you aren't being very nice," said Luna serenely.
"Me?!" countered Ron angrily. "You're the one who goes wandering out at night forcing us to drop everything and go looking for you! Then I nearly get killed and you find that hysterical!"
"I didn't ask you to come here, Ronald," said Luna, her voice dropping so low he could barely hear her. "Like you said, you're here because Harry asked you."
Ron opened his mouth to speak, but lost his train of thought. He suddenly realized what he'd said and how it must have sounded to her. He hadn't meant to make it sound like she didn't matter, but that was apparently the meaning his words had conveyed.
"You can leave, if you like," she continued. "I come here quite often to catch up on my reading; it really is quite safe, you know. You can tell Harry you found me and I'm fine." She was speaking in a conversational tone but Ron noted a slight change in her voice, as though she'd swallowed something slightly prickly.
With that, she turned around and flouced back along the path in the direction of the rocky ledge.
This was going from bad to worse, Ron thought. He ran forward and caught up with her. "Luna, wait," said Ron as she stopped and faced him again. "I...didn't mean it to sound like that, it came out all wrong."
She was staring at him, and at this distance Ron could see by the wand light her large silvery eyes were mistier than usual. His stomach sank a little.
"Look, when we get back, I'll take you to a secret door I know and show you the kitchens, okay? I'll bet the elves would love to meet you."
"Oh no, that's okay," said Luna vaguely, a dreamy smile on her face. "I already know about it anyway."
"You do? Oh - " Ron was surprised, but not exactly shocked. Luna did seem to be the sort to go wandering around in her explorations, after all.
"Well, I'll bring you anyway," he continued, "Dobby makes these things he calls cocobombs, they're really good, I'm sure you'd like 'em." He tried his best to give her a reassuring smile, though he wasn't sure how convincing he was.
"No, that's okay, really," she said, a sad smile on her face. "I know you don't like me much."
Her words seemed to be sounding a forlorn surrender, Ron thought, standing there with his mouth open, at a total loss of what to say. "That's not true! I - "
But Luna's stare was enough to make him shut up. He doubted he could convince her of anything now.
"It's okay, Ronald," she said softly. After a few moments, she walked around him and started walking back towards the main road. "Let's go find Harry, shall we?" she called back to him.
It was the longest walk Ron had ever taken in his life. He felt downright terrible. He kept trying to think of something to talk about along the way, but everything he said felt so forced, so superficial. He got the distinct impression he'd only make things worse if he tried to talk his way out of it.

Autore patiesi iemilējusi šo pāri - "Nožāvētās asaras" (Dried tears)

Harry was still stupefied by Luna's serene acceptance of his apology. "Um, thanks...but...aren't you angry? Even a little?"
"I thought that was settled?" interjected Luna curiously. "You did apologize, after all. And I know you're sincere, Harry. But you do tend to dwell on things, you know."
Harry gaped at her. After what he'd done, he almost wished Luna would give him a rebuke, or...something!
"But what I did..."
"Was a mistake," acknowledged Luna. "We all make them, from time to time, don't we?"
"Me especially."
"Well, would it make you feel any better if I said I was still upset?"
Harry gaped at her. "Are you?"
"No," said Luna airily, holding her cattail before her nose and staring at it in cross-eyed fashion. "But I can pretend, if you like."
"No, no, that's all right..."
Harry trailed off, finally resigned to Luna's simple acceptance of the situation. It seemed that she truly did consider the matter closed, although Harry was having a much more difficult time forgiving himself than she was.
Luna lowered her cattail and fixed her gaze on some distant point beyond the lake. Harry looked – there was nothing over the distant horizon worth noting, other than a thin remnant of the setting sun, a bright sliver of light burning fiercely against the fuchsia and lavender skies.
He looked back to Luna. The colourful display was reflected in her wide, silvery eyes. In fact, if he had to choose, he'd much rather watch the sunset this way...
"So...you're really sure you're okay?" inquired Harry hopefully.
"Hm-hmm," answered Luna in distinctly hazy fashion, her eyes never wavering from their distant focus. Harry hesitated. Though he'd seen Luna slip in and out of her dreamy reveries countless times before, she seemed almost contemplative at the moment.
"Well, I think I'll go collect some pumpkin vines," she announced suddenly, her silvery eyes regaining their usual energy as she turned to Harry. "Hagrid said I could help myself to his pumpkin patch."
"Oh," said Harry, a bit disappointed that Luna was leaving. Still, he couldn't complain – despite all his initial trepidations, he couldn't have imagined that his hopes would have been so readily realized. "All right, well, see you at breakfast then?"
Luna blinked. "You aren't coming?"
"Eh? Oh, did you need a hand?"
Luna smiled. "Not really," she answered. "But we haven't spoken in nearly a week."
Harry shifted slightly. Their silence had been entirely his doing, he knew.
"I missed that," said Luna earnestly.
"My fault," said Harry.
"And, you could also provide Fang an alternate target," continued Luna in a distinctly cheerful tone as they started down the worn pathway that rounded the lake. "I'm rather fond of him, but he does tend to slobber on me quite a lot."

Šo rakstu rediģēja Aiva: 09.12.2019 21:39
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iesūtīt 10.12.2019 19:20
Raksts #219

Ataudzē kaulus pēc uzvaras kalambola mačā

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 06.04.07
Kur: Vakardienas trakumā

Man pat drīzāk liekas, un, šķiet, ka kaiva to arī kaut kad ieminējās, ka Roulinga drīzāk šur tur velk uz to, ka Rons ar Lunu varētu iznākt par pāri.

Harijs un Luna man šķiet mazliet tāds dīvains pāris, bet tas varbūt tāpēc, ka es viņu redzu tikai kopā ar Džinniju.
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iesūtīt 13.12.2019 11:51
Raksts #220

Šņācmēles tulks

Grupa: Daiļdarbu pārziņi
Pievienojās: 22.12.03
Gondoras sargs

Par pašas Roulingas idejām nezināšu, kaut kā to sarunu biju palaidis garām, būtu derīgi parunāt vēlreiz.

Fani gadu gaitā ir salikuši pāros un apcerējuši visneiedomājamākās kombinācijas, man pašam ir tulkojumi Rons-Luna (Lunas dziesma) , Harijs-Luna ( Laiks ) , Gouls- Luna ( Pietiekami lai būtu sargenģelis ) un Harijs-Hermione ( Tam nevajadzēja tā būt )

Ziemassvētku Sods ceru līdz Ziemassvētkiem pabeigt, 3/5 jau ir iztulkots. Hermione vēl piespiedīs Malfoju dziedāt 'Zvaniņš skan'...

Šo rakstu rediģēja Aiva: 13.12.2019 13:09
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