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> Atrasta hobita fosiilija!!!, pavisam nopietni
iesūtīt 28.04.2005 15:01
Raksts #1

child of the sky

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 31.10.03

Nejaushi uzduuros shitaam rakstam tiiklaa un man bija sajuuta, ka juus to veeleesieties zinaat (IMG:http://www.kurbijkurne.lv/forums/style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/laughing.gif)
Zinja gan nav pirmaa svaiguma, bet nu tomeer:

'Hobbit' Brain Supports Human Dwarf Theory
Scientists working with powerful imaging computers say the spectacular "Hobbit" (search) fossil recently discovered in Indonesia had distinctive brain features that could justify its classification as a separate — and tiny — human ancestor.
The new report, published Thursday in the online journal Science Express (search), seems to support the idea of a human dwarf (search) species marooned for eons while modern man spread across the planet. Detractors of the theory, however, said the computer models were unconvincing.
The new research produced a computer-generated model that compared surface impressions on the inside of the fossil skull with brain casts of modern and ancient humans, as well as chimps and other primates. The scientists said the model shows that the 3-foot specimen, nicknamed Hobbit, had a brain unlike anything they had seen before in recent human lineage. The brain is chimplike in size, between 380 and 420 cubic centimeters.
Despite being up to two-thirds smaller than a modern human brain, the Hobbit fossil's brain shared wrinkled surface features with the brains of both modern humans and Homo erectus, tool-making human ancestors that lived more than 1 million years ago, the researchers said. Some of those features are consistent with higher cognitive traits, they report.
At the same time, they said the Hobbit brain was different from the brain of a modern human pygmy or a human with abnormal brain growth.
"This is something new," said Florida State University anthropologist Dean Falk, who led the study. "This discovery has flummoxed the field of anthropology."
In October, scientists from Indonesia and Australia caused an international sensation with their report of a trove of fossils found in a cave on the equatorial island of Flores. As many as seven tiny individuals were represented by the bones in layers that were dated from 95,000 to 12,000 years ago. The Hobbit skeleton was the most complete specimen to be described.
Falk and researchers from Washington University in St. Louis took three-dimensional CT scans of the interior of the Hobbit's skull. Known as virtual endocasts, these computer-manipulated images show the wrinkles, vessels and other surface features that made faint impressions on the skull's lining.
They compared that model with latex casts of the brains of chimps, a female Homo erectus, a contemporary woman, a pygmy and a European specimen of a person with a small-brain syndrome known as microcephaly.
Scientists say its brain shape reflects some features of modern humans, such as an expanded temporal lobe in the front and a fissure near the back of the brain known as the lunate sulcus, similarly found in the modern human brain.
The bones found in the cave were accompanied by sophisticated tools and evidence of firepits, suggesting an organized society of tiny hunters that flourished on the island for millennia at a time when modern humans dominated the planet.
Other human evolution specialists were split over the new report.
Katerina Semendeferi of the University of California-San Diego described it as a "cutting edge study." While the Hobbit brain does not fit neatly into an evolutionary pattern, she said it is too much to expect that all ancient humans would have brains that would neatly transition from ape to modern human.
"There is increasing evidence that white matter and interconnectivity may be a critical component of human cognitive abilities," she said.
But some other researchers dismissed the brain-scan study as "trivial." They are sticking to their opinion that the Hobbit probably suffered from a form of microcephaly, a condition in which the brain fails to grow at a normal rate, resulting in a small head with a large face, and even dwarfism.
What it is not, says primatologist Robert Martin, provost of the Field Museum in Chicago, is a scaled-down version of a Homo erectus or a new transitional species that held on for millennia in tropical isolation.
That's because Homo erectus had a brain size of more than 1,000 cubic centimeters, nearly as large as modern humans. Brain size cannot simply be scaled down to fit a body size, he said.
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2 Lapas V  < 1 2  
Sākt jaunu pavedienu
Atbildes (20 - 30)
iesūtīt 26.12.2005 18:12
Raksts #21

Gāž podus mikstūrās

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 22.08.05
Kur: Latvija, visbiežāk Rīga

Mana piebilde: paskatieties Vespertilio postu:
Par Hobitu fosīlijām bija rakstīts National Geographic, šī gada aprīļa numurā. Hobits, protams, ir tikai iesauka, zinātniski tos mazos cilvēciņus sauc Homo floresiensis , jo viņus atrada Floresas salā Indonēzijā. Viņi izmira pavisam nesen, pirms aptuveni 13 000 gadu (jaunākais atradums).

, un jums, sapņotāji, viss kļūs skaidrs.Ak, jel! Hobita skelets (rēc, ar asarām acīs)! Kā kaut kam tādam var vispār noticēt?!
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 24.01.2007 17:13
Raksts #22

Kārto SLIM-us

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 12.02.05

Ermm... hobitus izgudroja, cik sen? Pirms piecdesmit - vairāk gadiem. Fosilijai cik gadi? Daudzi tūkstoši.
Es šaubos vai tas ir īsts hobits - vienkārši viens no cilvēka sugas paveidiem, kas tāds sīks un drukns augumā padevies.
Un ļoti iespējams variants, ka kāds savā piemājas šķūnītī skeletu kopā salicis un apracis!:)
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 24.01.2007 23:08
Raksts #23

Kārto SLIM-us

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 19.10.06
Kur: Ar fotoaparātu mežā.

Te izskanējadoma par orku fosilijām-ja tā uzmanīgi skatās trešo daļu GP filmām,tad ainās kur Frodo klīst pa Šīlobas alām viņam zem kājām mētājās orku kauli kas 1 pret 1 atbilst cilvēku senča fosilijām,ko masveidā atrod Āfrikā.Diemžēl neatceros kā sauca..
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 08.11.2007 12:38
Raksts #24

Izvēlas zizli pie Olivanda

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 06.11.07
Kur: Starp realitāti un sapņiem!

CITĀTS(Snorkes Jaunkundze @ 08.05.2005 21:08) *
jā...ja varētu arī iztulkot...īpaši labi angļu valodā neorientējos. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/rolleyes_a.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/blush.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/ermm.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/unsure.gif)


Bet runājot par fosīliju varētu izveidot manekenu kā dinozauriem, lai būtu redzams vai TIEŠĀM!!!!
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iesūtīt 08.11.2007 17:27
Raksts #25

Alveus anima

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 18.05.07
Kur: Aiz maskas
HP eksperts 2008

Visu izlsī neizlasīju, pietrūkst pacietības un prasmes, bet tomēr skaidri redzams, ka muļķības. Atrod kādu seno laiku pundur akaulus un baigais hobits. Vispār tīri interesanti, ka viņiem vispār ienāca prātā to pasniegt šādi. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/silent.gif)
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 30.12.2007 21:56
Raksts #26

Gāž podus mikstūrās

Grupa: Izraidītie
Pievienojās: 26.12.07
Kur: virtuvē, ēdu pankūkas.

tas nav bijis nekaads hobits...taa vinji nosauca kaarteejo pirmatneejo cilveeku ko izraka, jo kaads vnk iedomaajaas par hobitiem.
taa pat kaa Lūsija. Kad aheologi to izraka, viniem pa raadio skaneeja biitlu dziesma par luusiju
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 23.01.2008 19:51
Raksts #27

Izvēlas zizli pie Olivanda

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 21.01.08

Tie Discovery un National-geographics staastiis visu kas cilveekiem interesee!! Tas ir tikai mārketings lai mes skatiitos! Taas visas ir baumas!!
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 26.01.2008 22:53
Raksts #28

Cogito ergo sum

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 28.02.07
Kur: Divas mājas tālāk
Jaukais snīpis

ja agrāk dinozauru kaulus ķīnā uzskatīja par pūķu kauliem, bet eiropā par milzu cilvēku kauliem, tā tomēr neizrādījās...

samanīja nedaudz līdzību ar hobita tēlu, kādu ir radījis tolkīns un uzreiz saka, kas tas ir hobits... (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/getlost.gif) tikai lai iegūtu publicitāti u.t.t. nevis ka atrasts hobits..
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 27.01.2008 03:06
Raksts #29

Gāž podus mikstūrās

Grupa: Izraidītie
Pievienojās: 26.12.07
Kur: virtuvē, ēdu pankūkas.

tas ir NOSAUKUMS tam aizveesturiskajam cilveekam, doooh! (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/rolleyes_a.gif)
kurš veel nesaprot! Ja es zirgam piem. dotu vaardu Pegass, tas tak nenoziimeetu ka viņš reaali ir pegass.
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 05.04.2008 10:14
Raksts #30

Ataudzē kaulus pēc uzvaras kalambola mačā

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 30.01.08
Kur: klusumā

jauki, bet baumas man gan tā neliekas.. (IMG:style_emoticons/kurb_gaiss/tongue.gif)
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+Citēt rakstu
iesūtīt 05.04.2008 12:31
Raksts #31

Atver vēstuli ar SĒRG-u rezultātiem

Grupa: Biedri
Pievienojās: 15.12.04
Kur: Zālamana templis, Klervo abatija.

Dieva dēļ, tas nav nekāds hobits.
Iepriekš jau minēts, ka tas ir Homo floriensis, Idonēzijā Floras salā atrasts Homo erectus paveids, kas dzīves apstākļu ietekmē kļuvuši mazāki. Un tieši auguma izmēru dēļ iesaukti par hobitiem. Tas ir parasts hominīds.
Šo, start citu, māca LU VFF aizvēstures lekciju kursā.
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